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Curwen Primary School


Year 5 Big Outcome

Litearcy, Drama, Olympic games and much more..

What an amazing autumn term Year 5 have had, culminating in the end of topic ‘Big Outcome’. An opportunity to showcase to parents all the amazing work children have completed so far this year. The event was a huge success! 5C and 5KB treated us to a fabulous opening drama/dance ceremony, with 5L and 5CB laying on a variety of ancient Olympic events for parents to see and experience. We were shown how ancient games are still used in the modern Olympics, with children demonstrating their running, throwing and tug-of-war skills. Well done to the parents for winning their tug-of-war challenge against the children! In 5KB parents helped with painting Greek clay containers the children created, and in 5C we had a variety of topic, literacy and art & design work on display. A huge ‘thank you’ to all the parents who attended, and a special thanks to the P.E. team (lead by Ms. Tully) for helping the children to learn so much about the Olympic games.

“Good work Year 5, I thought it was very interesting and a lot of effort went into this topic of Ancient Greece.” Caprice’s Mum

“Great performance from year 5 classes! The Greek displays, pottery and books were very interesting and it is nice to see all the hard work they have been doing. Well done to the teachers also!” Kiyra’s Mum

“It was lovely to see the children doing their performance and then get involved with the pottery painting!” Freya’s Mum