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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1

This term our topic was The Elizabethans, exploring our ‘big question’ ‘Was Elizabeth the First a good ruler?’. We arranged events on a timeline, researched facts and explored the role of propaganda in Elizabethan times, making links with other periods such as Victorian times. In Science, we learnt about the anatomy of the heart and the circulatory system. We identified the sections of the heart on a real lamb’s heart and created dramas, acting out the path of blood in the human body! We also carried out some Geography fieldwork in which we answered our own enquiry questions such as ‘Which is the safest entrance in the school grounds?’ or ‘Which area of the school is the cleanest?’

We started the term with a trip to the Southbank as research for our non-chronological reports about this renowned area of London. We studied persuasive leaflets and thought about how we could make our reports persuasive. We have used a range of reading skills this term, including skimming and scanning, identifying fact and opinion and sequencing, and using inference skills in order to improve our comprehension. We have also studied three Shakespeare plays and made links between the themes and characters.

This term we have focussed on ‘properties of number’. This has included work on factors, multiples, prime numbers, prime factors and square numbers. We have also refined our knowledge of the 4 main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have demonstrated core skills such as communication, team work, resilience and reflection through our group and partner work.