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Curwen Primary School

Summer 2




Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design




This term, our topic has been ‘Journeys’ and we have enjoyed talking about the journeys we have been to and the vehicles we can use to go to our favourite destinations. We looked after our caterpillars and after spending two weeks in their cocoons, they became butterflies! We released them and we used our imagination to think about what journey they are going to next. We went to Paradise Wildlife Park to look at different animals and talk about what they eat and where they live. The end of term was very exciting for us as we are getting ready to go to Year one and we started to explore the KS1 playground.




This term for maths we have been busy with exploring different concepts. We have been recapping our addition and subtraction maths stories, ensuring we have a go at mixed maths stories too to challenge ourselves. We have been using concrete objects, and now we are starting to show our working out pictorially, drawing pictures or dots to demonstrate this. We’ve also been having fun looking at directional language, using bee bots to practice, and dancing along to the Cha-cha slide song.



In Literacy we have continued to look at a variety of books about our topic of Journey’s. We have been developing our understanding of reading skills such as sequencing, story maps and humour. In Phonics, we have continued to follow the RWI scheme, developing our blending and fluency. In addition, we have been learning to reread our writing on top of using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.