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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 1


In Literacy, we used our listening and communication skills to share a range of stories and their morals. In democracy week, we shared a story about voting and spoke about why it is important. We used our sounds, capital letters, finger spaces, question marks and exclamation marks to write about the story. Mr Cameron also came to talk to us about what makes a good leader. We then had the opportunity to vote for our school council leader to represent our class.

In History, we have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ and the children have been extremely enthusiastic to learn about how the fire started and the impact it had on London. The children have developed their communication skills and reflective skills to think about how the fire had an effect on London.

Year 2 also enjoyed their first trip of the year, we visited St Paul’s Cathedral for a tour around the cathedral, then off to London bridge, Pudding Lane and finally finished off the day by using our artistic skills to sketch the Monument.

In Maths, we have been continuing to develop our resilience when developing our mathematical skills through learning about place value and the properties of a number. We have used concrete objects such as the dienes to understand place value. We have also worked hard to develop our mathematical vocabulary of ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ when working with numbers.