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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

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This half term, our main topic has been World War 2. We used a range of sources to find out why the war started and its effect on those who lived during that period. We learnt about how propaganda was used by both sides and made links to the way propaganda was used in Elizabethan times and how it is used today. As part of our PSHE development we had a visit from local police officers, who spoke to us about important things we need to know. This included the criminal age of responsibility and what to do if we feel unsafe.


This half term, the children have focused on a class novel, using our active reading strategies to make sure we have a secure grasp of events and characters, in order to be able to make connections and further predictions. These books are: Holes (6A), The Night Bus Hero (6K), A Monster Calls (6R) and The Hunger Games (6C). The children have been developing their reading skills whilst reading and discussing their book each day in class. These texts have inspired our character and setting descriptions that we completed last week. 


The main focus this term has been fractions, decimals and percentages. The children have been exploring different representations of fractions, decimals and percentages and converting between them. We have been applying the Curwen core skills to help us solve challenging problems.