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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

We have had so much fun this term in Reception. In our new topic, ‘My stories,’ we have been learning about authors, illustrators, characters and how stories are structured. We used the story boxes we made at home with our family to introduce the topic and present our favourite stories to our friends and teachers. We used our communication and language skills to talk about what parts of the stories we liked and who our favourite characters were. Furthermore, we went to the Stratford Discovery Centre, and we really enjoyed listening to their stories and exploring the story world. We also used Now Press Play to listen to the Three Little Pig story and act it out in our classes, pretending to be all the different characters. 


In Literacy,  we have been exploring  and recapping various books in our new topic, 'My Stories.' We created story boxes and used them to talk about our favourite stories to share with our class. In reading time, we have been learning about poems and rhyming words. We used our significant person, Julia Donaldson, to learn about rhyme through her amazing range of stories and even learnt to recite the Gruffalo poem using Makaton. In phonics, we have been practising our set 1 and set 2 sounds and beginning to read and write CVC words with greater independence. We have been using our phonics sounds to label our pictures and attempting to write simple sentences.


This term we have been developing our mathematical skills. We have started to use our maths table and resources table in our classes and at home. We have spoken about addition and we were able to say ‘get ready to get some more’ every time we see + and ‘get ready to take away’ when we see -. We have tried our best to revise our numbers and think about if they are odd or even. We also used our maths skills during independent learning time and forest school by counting sticks and pieces of woods to put in the fire and how many popcorn popped. We also loved to count characters in different maths books such as ‘How many legs’.