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Curwen Primary School


Spring 2 Update 


This term in topic we have been looking at travelling around the world. We looked at different countries and continents around the world and where they are located. To enhance children’s understanding of travelling we visited London City Airport and explored all the areas and what was needed to travel from one country to another. The best part was watching the planes land and take off!!


In Literacy we took part in some role play and imagined being the characters in goldilocks and the Three Bears. We also took part in hot seating to ecperience asking questiions and discuss feelings.This helped us with our writing where we had to write a letter from Goldilocks apologising for sneaking in to the three Bears house and eating all the porridge!!



Maths has been fun as usual. We have been learning about money and weighing mass. We  discussed why it is important to know about these things in real life. Look at some of the activities we took part in!!


We have been looking at healthy eating in D&T. We looked at what foods are healthy and which are unhealthy and how they affect our growth and health. We also learnt to use different tools and made a delicious fruit salad!!  Our fruit salad was delicious! We also learnt the importance of washing your hands and being hygienic whilst preparing food.