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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 1

The Great Fire of London and the Museum of London.

We have really enjoyed starting our topic this term, The Great Fire of London. We have been learning all about how it started and how it was able to spread so far. We have been fascinated throughout our learning so far and have enjoyed making comparisons between London now and London 1666.

We have been able to share the key events and facts we’ve found out along the way  through writing and topic lessons.  In the coming weeks, we will also produce some exciting powerpoint presentations and some dazzling fire collages.

A recent visit to the Museum of London was extremely helpful, informative and FUN and proved to be a great starting point for our topic. We were able to explore different historical artefacts and even had the opportunity to hold some. During the visit, we also took part in a joint role-play where we learnt all about how the Great Fire grew from a small flame in a bakers oven to an enormous disaster.