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Curwen Primary School


Y3 Termly update & photos

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  • Spring 1

    Published 28/01/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths In Maths this term we have been learning about money. Initially, we focused on recognising the value of coins and making totals of different amounts. Then we thought of making the same amount using different coins. We also learned how to add
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 02/12/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths In maths we have been learning all about fractions! We have learnt that to find a fraction of a shape: Every time you see… (the denominator), you should shade… (the numerator). We have also been learning about how to find fract
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 12/10/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths This term in Maths Year 3 explored the place value of numbers. We used various concrete resources to represent numbers in different ways. Once we were confident with our place value knowledge, we started applying it to calculations. For exam
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  • Summer 1

    Published 25/05/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths In maths this half-term Year 3 has been learning about fractions.  We learned how to add and subtract fractions, find fractions of amounts and identify equivalent fractions. In lessons we explored fractions using concrete resources such
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  • Spring 2

    Published 25/03/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    During the Spring term, we explored the ancient Egyptians as our Topic. We found we could arrange historical events chronologically by using BC and AD, and that the Egyptians existed many thousands of years ago. We learnt all about the impressive str
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 11/12/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths In Maths this half-term we have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns. First we practiced making quarter, half, three quarter and full turns using the compass directions (north, east, south, west) that we learned about in Geo
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 16/10/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic In Topic this half-term we have been learning about our local area. We sorted examples of different geographical features into human and physical and then located some human and physical features in our local area, Plaistow, using Google My
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  • Spring 1 Update

    Published 14/02/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    During Topic we have been learning about Ancient Egypt! We have learnt about how essential the River Nile was for the Egyptians, the roles and the hierarchy in Egyptian society and we have looked at a range of Egyptian artefact and considered how the
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  • Autumn 2 Update

    Published 13/12/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In maths this term Year 3 has been focussing on problem solving. We looked at different types of problems including related to money, distances and fractions. We spent a day exploring various combination problems where we had to list all possible com
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  • Autumn 1 Update

    Published 16/10/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths Year 4 has been learning different mathematical concepts this term. We focussed especially on understanding numbers, from place value to partition or the use of grid method to solve multiplications. We started working in groups and helping e
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  • Summer 2 Update

    Published 17/07/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In Literacy this term we have been learning about play scripts. We compared the features of play scripts and narratives and discussed how the two genres are similar and how they are different. We then wrote the script for our summer show ‘Curwe
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  • Summer 1 Update

    Published 05/06/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In Literacy this half term, we have been writing our own narrative stories about volcanoes. We have been doing this alongside our topic lessons which have also been about volcanoes. We used a range of grammar skills such as fronted adverbials, expand
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  • Spring 2 Update

    Published 01/05/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic In Year 3 this term we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. During International Week, we showcased what we had learned about Egypt and compared it to another African country - Nigeria. During Mini-World, we enjoyed teaching other childre
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  • Spring 1 Update

    Published 06/03/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic In Topic, Year 3 have been learning all about ancient Egypt. We started off the topic by enjoying a Now Press Play experience. We were taken back to ancient Egyptian times and were fully immersed in a story, which we acted out and learnt all
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  • Autumn 2 Update

    Published 17/12/18, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In Literacy, Year 3 have been learning about mystery stories. We looked at what the features of a mystery story are. We read a few different mystery stories and really enjoyed acting them out.     When we acted out the stor
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