Autumn 1

In Topic this half-term we have been learning about our local area. We sorted examples of different geographical features into human and physical and then located some human and physical features in our local area, Plaistow, using Google My Maps. We also started learning about sustainability and how to take care of our environment. Now we know how to take care of our environment. To show this we designed T-shirts with a logo encouraging everyone to look after our world.
In maths, we have been learning about place value and the property of numbers. We used dienes to represent numbers on a place value chart and drew the dienes on whiteboards. Once we felt confident with place value, we began to solve addition and subtraction maths stories using the column method. We soon realised that sometimes we didn’t need to use the column method as we could put the numbers in our head to calculate the final answer.
This half term, Year 3s have been exploring four different texts: The Iron Man, The Wind in the Willows, as well as The Magic Finger and George’s Marvellous Medicine from our focus author, Roald Dahl. Through guided reading, debates, drama and comprehension activities, we’ve looked at the key skills of sequencing, predicting and summarising. We’ve had so much fun ‘hot-seating’ the character of Mole, debating whether George was right in feeding Grandma his ‘marvellous medicine’, acting as members of the Gregg family in a short play, and rewriting the ending for The Iron Man.