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Curwen Primary School


Summer 1


In maths this half-term Year 3 has been learning about fractions.  We learned how to add and subtract fractions, find fractions of amounts and identify equivalent fractions. In lessons we explored fractions using concrete resources such as foam fractions, fraction walls and counters. They really helped us to solve some tricky problems. To find fractions of amounts, we learned how to use ‘Zoom, Zonk, Replace’. Fraction walls were very useful to identify equivalent fractions which many of us found tricky.


This term in science we have been learning all about plants! We have learnt about photosynthesis, the parts of a flower and pollination. We have also completed some exciting experiments including the capillary action experiment. It showed us exactly how water is absorbed from the soil by the roots and transported up the stem without any external force. Tiny particles caused the coloured water to flow from one cup through the tissue to the other cup until they had an equal amount of liquid in each of them. This experiment was a great example of the capillary action in progress.