Summer 2

In Literacy this term, we have been exploring a number of skills using the class text to support our learning. The first is the idea of representation where the children discuss what different places or objects could symbolise in a story or what it could mean to the characters. One example is the chocolate factory in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students talked about a range of things that the factory could represent.
Another skill that the children have been practising is referencing the text in their writing when answering questions. This is something that has really allowed the children to engage with the story and expand their knowledge of key concepts.
Lastly, the children have also been working on making inferences, not just about a story but also about a character based on what we know about them. To explore this, students have been engaging in shared writing in pairs.
Year 3 Topic
In Year 3 this term, we have been learning all about the environment. We learned about different types of pollution and discussed ways of reducing it to protect our environment. In class, we also talked about the impact of pollution on animals including us, humans. To encourage people to look after our planet, we used our computing skills, to make informed posters concerning plastic in the ocean on Adobe Express.
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