Autumn 1

For literacy this half term, students have started to practise their first reading skill, prediction. The children have discussed the importance of being able to make appropriate predictions and have talked about how a blurb or an image can help to make a sensible guess about what will happen in a story.
In addition to making predictions, the children in year 3 have also completed a non-chronological report, which talks about school meals at Curwen. This was their first formal piece of writing since moving up to year 3 and though it was a challenge, the children all strove for success and completed something they can be proud of.
In Year 3 this half-term, we have worked on properties of number as well as place value. The children learned how to apply their knowledge of place value to add and subtract 2- and 2-digit numbers, including with tricky columns. There was also a big focus on number facts such as number bonds to 10, 20, 100, etc. and times tables. The children created posters showing all the different facts they could create bout a given number, e.g. partition using bar/cherry model, addition/subtraction facts as well as multiplication and division facts.
In topic, we have been learning about our local area. So far, we have learnt that Plaistow, our local area, is a town, which is within the borough of Newham. We also learnt that the smallest human settlement is called a hamlet and that counties are bigger than cities but smaller than a country. To help us understand place the settlements in the correct order, we created settlement hierarchy circles. We have also looked at 4-ficure grid references to help us locate place on a map.