Autumn 2

In year 3 have also completed a mystery story using direct speeches, similes and variety of punctuations. This was the first time when they acted out a mystery and worked together to find the culprit. Though it was a challenge, the children all strove for success and completed something they can be proud of.
In maths this term, the children were exploring the concept of fractions. To begin with, they built on their Year 2 knowledge to identify fractions of shapes. Then they were introduced to non-unit fractions of both shapes and amounts. Children also started to order, compare and calculate simple like fractions using concrete resources and pictorial representations.
In topic, we have been learning about The Stone Age. So far, we have learnt that the Stone Age people hunted animals for food and used them for various other things like clothing and jewellery. During the term, the children got to enjoy a Stone Age workshop where they got to learn about different things that the Stone Age people created and how they lived all those years ago. In addition, the children have looked at a number of different artefacts and have even used play dough to recreate a prehistoric monument. It has been great fun and the children in year three have been able to explore this aspect of history in a unique and exciting way.