Summer 2 Update

This half term, Year 3 have been learning about various types of natural disasters, especially earthquakes and volcanoes. As part of this children investigated the effects of different natural disasters and then used drama to act out the possible consequences for humans. The children were very creative in how they acted out falling buildings, shaking ground, power cuts and lava flows.
Carrying on with the Geography theme, we recently had our Geography day! This year we visited Thames Barrier Park. The children enjoyed walking through the park and keeping an eye out to see how people had adapted and overcome living in hazardous areas.
This term, we also had a very informative yet enjoyable stone age work shop. The children enjoyed learning about how life in Britain changed throughout the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. What a great way to find out more about this period of British history by hunting a woolly mammoth, building Stonehenge, making flint tools and many more!