Spring 2 Update

In Year 3 this term we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. During International Week, we showcased what we had learned about Egypt and compared it to another African country - Nigeria. During Mini-World, we enjoyed teaching other children something about these countries. We were able to use our geography skills to locate places on maps. One of our favourite activities was making a 3D mummy and a 3D sarcophagus using a template. It was fun teaching the Year 6’s how to use hieroglyphs to write messages. We also loved learning about other countries in other year groups.
In Literacy this term we have been learning about possession and how to use apostrophe to show it. We now know that when a noun is singular and does not end in -s, we show possession by adding apostrophe and ‘s (the boy’s bike). However, when the noun is plural and ends with –s, we only add an apostrophe (’the boys’ bikes’). To practise these spelling rules, we worked as a group to show possession using various nouns.
In maths this term we have been working on word problems. We looked more specifically at combination problems and strategies to solve them. Using trial and error, we were able to solve various number problems. This took a lot of perseverance and resilience as we had to keep trying out different methods. Some problems involved colours, where we had to create combinations of ice creams flavours or sports kit colour and each combination had to be different than the rest. We also had to find various ways to make the same amount of money using different coins.