Autumn 1

In literacy, we shared our lockdown memory boxes and created a diary, which depicted our experiences and how our lives changed during the challenging time. We started to read our class book, which has been great fun! We have used many reading and writing skills including; prediction, comparing, inference and skimming and scanning. We acted out our favourite parts of the book, to practise reading with fluency and expression.
In maths, we have been learning about the property of numbers and place value. We looked at factors, multiples and using the inverse operation. In today’s lesson, we used counters and cubes to show arrays in equal rows and columns. We then wrote out the maths stories to show which factor pairs belong to the multiples.
We started our new topic which is ‘Who Am I?’. We read a book called The Dot and created our own artwork based on the story, which illustrates the importance of believing in yourself and being proud of who you are. We have learnt all about the world we live in during our geography lessons and how countries and continents are diverse, just like we are as people. We studied the different elements that make up our own unique identity and created fact files based on our own individual heritage.