Autumn 2
Autumn 2 saw Year 4 discover even more about the Romans! We enjoyed a trip to Guildhall and the Museum of London where the children got to handle real Roman artefacts, as well as seeing real Roman ruins! Did you know streetlevel used to be lower than it is today? We had to walk down 27 steps to get to the remains of an amphitheatre! We had the opportunity to show off everything we learnt during our Big Outcome at the very end of the term. The children presented everything we have learnt in a variety of ways. 4M and 4G created an interpretive dance showing the Roman invasion, 4S shared some impressive PowerPoint presentations and 4B debated whether the invasion was a good or bad thing.
In Autumn, we also had the chance to visit a Mandir (Hindu temple) as a part of our R.E curriculum and had all of our questions answered about everything we have learned in R.E this term.
Our visit to the London Symphony Orchastra was a real highlight as our rehearsals of the musical classic, ‘I like to be in America’ paid off when we joined in with the rest of the audience for a sing-a-long. We had the chance to perform the song again during the LKS2 Christmas Concert.