Spring 2

We’ve done lots of reading this term, but one day really stands out amongst the rest…World Book Day! It was an amazing experience for all children! They created sandwich boards based on their favourite book or a book they have been reading. It was fantastic to hear all of the different stories and summaries that the children shared with the class. Year 5 got to watch Michael Morpurgo explain how he became an author and how it changed his life. Many children mentioned how inspiring he was and how they hope to become authors themselves one day.
In maths, Year 5 has continued their learning of fractions. We have learnt about fractions of an amount, simplifying fractions and how to solve problems involving fractions. We have also explored angles and properties of shape this term.
For Science, our topic was materials and their properties. We started off our learning with an exploratory lesson where the children were able to explore different materials with their table groups. It was exciting to see children so engaged and trying to use vocabulary to describe the types of materials. Once the vocabulary was discussed as a class, children were able to use this to justify which material would be best suited for certain things, such as ‘a teapot couldn’t be made of chocolate because it would melt.’
For International Family Week, we decided to create tie dye t-shirts with our chosen country sewn on to the front. We looked at how we could manipulate the pattern and colours to create a design that was unique. The children learned how to use different sewing techniques such as a blanket, chain and running stitch. It was fantastic to have parents come in to support and engage with the children on how to sew a piece of material to their t-shirt. The t-shirts look fantastic and the children can’t wait to wear them for carnival!
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