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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1


Year 5 has been learning about the Ancient Greeks and their achievements. Many cross-curricular links have been made with maths, literacy and science. The children started their learning with a theatre experience – Who wants to be an Olympian, where they understood how Olympians strive for success. They spent some time looking at Ancient Greek and British events in chronological order and explored Greek events which influenced our lives including the battle of Marathon, democracy and the Olympics. During these activities, children displayed excellent teamwork and problem solving.



Children have been learning about non-chronological reports in literacy and writing their own about the Olympic games. They explored how to use punctuation for parenthesis and using colons to show bullet points. After looking at features of an information text, children then applied themselves to writing in paragraphs beneath a variety of sub-headings, all related to comparing the ancient and modern Olympic games. The children have also really enjoyed working with their partners to read with fluency and expression, displaying great teamwork and communication.


This term, year 5 started their maths learning with place value. The children built on their existing vocabulary to talk about the four operations, undertaking a variety of problem solving activities where they had to be resilient and strive for success. They consolidated their understanding on the value of digits in a number, writing numbers in words and digits, factors and multiples. They moved on to rounding numbers to 10,100 and 1000 and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.