Spring 1 Update

Year 5 are enjoying a jam packed Spring term, filled with a wide range of learning experiences both inside and outside of school. In Literacy, we have been learning all about poetry and the children have enjoyed writing and performing their own poems linked to our topic – Victorian Britain. In Maths, we have been teaching collaboration skills and peer assessing. The children are focusing on arithmetic problems and answering questions on fractions.
In Science, the children have been learning all about properties of materials. We discovered that different materials have different properties that allow them to do certain jobs. For example wood is used for construction because it is rigid.
In Topic, the children have been learning about Victorian Britain and the impact many of the inventions of the time have had on our life. 5CB and 5KB recently visit the Museum of London where they learned first hand the experiences of poor children at the time. This educational visit was scheduled to inspire the children to write a persuasive letter in their Literacy class.
Finally, on January the 19th, many children came into school dressed in a T-Shirt they’d designed based on their favourite book. This whole school initiatve was designed to develop children’s ‘Love for Reading.