Y6 Termly update & photos
- Read MorePublished 10/12/24, by Nazmin ChoudhuryThis Half Term, Your Child Has Been Exploring... History: This half term, we've embarked on a fascinating journey through World War 2. We've delved into the reasons behind this global conflict, exploring how propaganda was used by both
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Autumn 1
Published 10/10/24, by Nazmin ChoudhuryThis term, our class embarked on a fascinating journey through Elizabethan England. We delved into the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, asking the thought-provoking question, "Was Elizabeth the First a good ruler?" To answer this, we created a t - Read More
Summer 2
Published 09/07/24, by Nazmin ChoudhuryCongratulations to all our Year 6 pupils for their outstanding effort not only in preparing for SATs but also for their continued hard work and commitment throughout the Summer Term. As part of our Science curriculum, we visited the Natural Histor - Read More
Summer 1
Published 16/05/24, by Nazmin ChoudhuryTopic In Geography, we enjoyed learning about tectonic plates and mountain formations. We learnt about different types of tectonic plate movement and how they can result in volcanoes and earthquakes. We also developed our map reading skills using - Read More
Spring 2
Published 14/03/24, by Nazmin ChoudhuryIn History we learnt about the British Empire and the Commonwealth and their impact on the world. We also learnt about the contribution of the Windrush generation to rebuilding Britain after WWII. We explored the experiences of the Windrush generatio - Read More
Spring 1
Published 22/01/24, by Holly CroxallMany of our Year 6 pupils enjoyed a three-day residential trip to Fairplay House in Essex. They showed courage and resilience, tackling activities including the high ropes, caving and the legendary 3G swing! They did a fabulous job of representing ou - Read More
Autumn 2
Published 30/11/23, by Hana MehmetPlease enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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Autumn 1
Published 12/10/23, by Holly CroxallThis term our topic was The Elizabethans, exploring our ‘big question’ ‘Was Elizabeth the First a good ruler?’. We arranged events on a timeline, researched facts and explored the role of propaganda in Elizabethan times, making links with other periods such as Victorian times. In Science, we learnt about the anatomy of the heart and the circulatory system. We identified the sections of the heart on a real lamb’s heart and created dramas, acting out the path of blood in the human body! We also carried out some Geography fieldwork in which we answered our own enquiry questions such as ‘Which is the safest entrance in the school grounds?’ or ‘Which area of the school is the cleanest?’
We started the term with a trip to the Southbank as research for our non-chronological reports about this renowned area of London. We studied persuasive leaflets and thought about how we could make our reports persuasive. We have used a range of reading skills this term, including skimming and scanning, identifying fact and opinion and sequencing, and using inference skills in order to improve our comprehension. We have also studied three Shakespeare plays and made links between the themes and characters.
This term we have focussed on ‘properties of number’. This has included work on factors, multiples, prime numbers, prime factors and square numbers. We have also refined our knowledge of the 4 main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have demonstrated core skills such as communication, team work, resilience and reflection through our group and partner work.
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Summer 2
Published 13/07/23, by Holly CroxallFirstly, a huge well done needs to go out to all of our Year 6 pupils, not only for working extremely hard in the lead up to SATs, but also for showing enthusiasm and commitment for the rest of the Summer Term. Following the SATs tests, we had a final last push on our writing to ensure our writing portfolios were complete and the children worked very hard during this time as well.
As part of our Science topic, we visited the Natural History Museum to take part in a workshop on evolution. We took part in some practical activities exploring what evolution is, and why and how it happens. We had a chance to find evidence of evolution within the galleries and also explored the Volcanoes and Earthquakes section, which links to our learning in Geography.
As a reward for our hard work, the children have enjoyed a number of trips to Chessington, Stratford Picturehouse, Nando’s and Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis centre to watch the Great Britain vs Germany hockey match. They also participated in two weeks of swimming lessons and made immense progress. We have further developed our performing arts skills when preparing for our performance Shakespeare Rocks, which was extremely successful! The Year 6 Prom was a brilliant celebration of the end of their Curwen journey.
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Summer 1
Published 20/05/23, by Hana MehmetTopic
In Geography we enjoyed learning about tectonic plates and mountain formations. We learnt about different types of tectonic plate movement and how they can result in volcanoes and earthquakes. We also developed our map reading skills using 6 figure grid references.
Our RE topic is Arts and Religion this term and we have been exploring how people use art to express and communicate their faith. We visited a local church to look at the symbolism in the stained glass windows. This inspired us to produce our own stained glass style artwork expressing our ideas and beliefs.
In Literacy we have been developing our editing skills, revisiting a range of texts we produced earlier in the school year. We have been striving for success to ensure our writing portfolios are as outstanding as they can possibly be. We have been using reflection and communication skills when peer assessing each other’s work.
In Maths the children have worked extremely hard in the lead up to SATs in order to demonstrate all that we have learnt during our time at Primary School. The children showed amazing resilience in all of their papers and we are very proud of them all.
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Spring 2
Published 24/03/23, by Hana MehmetYear 6 Website Update Spring 2
In Science the children have been learning about microorganisms, including identifying the main types and common examples of each. The children came up with their own questions for an investigation exploring which kind of environment mould thrives in. Here is an extract of one pupils’ writing which demonstrates understanding of how to ensure a fair test.
In Geography our learning has been focussed on map skills, including using directional language, identifying and comparing types of maps and using 6-figure grid references. International Week was a fantastic way to share what we had learnt about our countries Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. We used Design and Technology skills to plan, make and evaluate our costumes for carnival, assisted by some very helpful parents who came to our costume making afternoon.
In Literacy, the children have written narratives from the perspective of a child in World War II. This has enabled them to develop their empathy skills-one of our core skills at Curwen! They have also learned how to describe characters and settings effectively. We also explored a range of non-fiction texts relating to our Geography topic on Caribbean countries, focussing on summarising, fact retrieval, and understanding how layout and features help us to locate information.
Year 6 pupils have worked very hard once again this term in Maths. They have learned how to read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants and applied this knowledge to work out the missing point of a shape. We have also covered Statistics and Angles.
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Spring 1
Published 27/01/23, by Hana MehmetYear 6 had an amazing start to the term with our residential visit to Fairplay House in Essex. Most of the year group spent three days and two nights tackling hair-raising activities including the high ropes, caving and the legendary 3G swing! All of the children (and staff members!) showed resilience and determination to overcome any challenges they encountered, whilst also building their confidence and developing stronger relationships with their peers. They did an incredible job of representing our school and the feedback from the leaders at Fairplay House about the pupils’ attitude and behaviour was overwhelmingly positive. Well done, Year 6!
Our topic this term has been ‘Rebuilding Britain after World War 2’. We have been exploring the history of the British Empire and the Commonwealth and discussing its impact on the world. We also learnt about the experiences and impact of the Windrush generation.
During literacy lessons, the children have explored war poetry. The children have developed their reading skills, analysing the impact of figurative language techniques. This understanding then influenced their own thought-provoking poems about WWII.
In Maths lessons pupils have developed their understanding of Algebra. This includes simplifying expressions, and balancing and solving equations. We have also developed our resilience when completing exploratory learning tasks.
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Autumn 2
Published 04/12/22, by Hana MehmetThis half term, Year 6 have been learning about World War II. We used a range of sources to investigate past events and consider the effects on those who lived during those times. We also interpreted propaganda from WW2 and learnt about how it was used by both sides. In Science we investigated electricity through creating and testing their own circuits using different conductors and insulators. A highlight of this term so far has been the Junior Citizens trip at Tate and Lyle. The children (and staff!) enjoyed participating in lots of practical activities designed to make us more confident in staying safe in a range of real life situations. This was an important part of our PSHE curriculum and is helping to prepare us for the transition to secondary school.
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Autumn 1
Published 14/10/22, by Nazmin ChoudhuryThis term our topic was The Elizabethans and we explored the question ‘Was Elizabeth the First a good ruler?’. We arranged events on a timeline, researched facts and explored the role of propaganda in Elizabethan times. In Science, we exp - Read More
Summer 2
Published 11/07/22, by Nazmin ChoudhuryWhat a wonderful year it has been! First of all, I’d like to congratulate all the children in Year 6 for all their hard work and dedication over the course of the year. They performed wonderfully well during their SATs assessments and throughou