Spring 1

Many of our Year 6 pupils enjoyed a three-day residential trip to Fairplay House in Essex. They showed courage and resilience, tackling activities including the high ropes, caving and the legendary 3G swing! They did a fabulous job of representing our school- well done to you all!
In Maths the children have been deepening their understanding of Algebra. This has included simplifying expressions, and balancing and solving equations. We have also used team work and communication skills to successfully tackle problem solving tasks.
In Literacy, the children have explored war poetry. We have maintained a focus on active reading skills, including analysing the impact of figurative language techniques. This inspired our own poems about WWII, focussing on the theme of Empathy.
Our learning about World War Two has even extended into our Art lessons. We learnt about the work of Picasso and his famous piece depicting the bombing of Guernica before WW2. We focussed on recreating tone and line to create a composite of Picasso’s Guernica painting. A composite is one piece created from many parts; we worked as a team to make sure each part lined up with the next in order to create one recognisable image.