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Curwen Primary School


Spring 2

In History we learnt about the British Empire and the Commonwealth and their impact on the world. We also learnt about the contribution of the Windrush generation to rebuilding Britain after WWII. We explored the experiences of the Windrush generation using our empathy skills.

In Geography we applied our previous learning (including mapping skills, using compass directions and knowledge of different types of maps). We used these skills to research our countries for International Week (Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica) ready for our Mini-World activities.

In Literacy we completed our narratives from the perspective of a child in WWII. We applied our understanding of how writing techniques to inspire our stories; effectively describing settings and characters, and building up suspense. We also developed our independence in editing our work and refining our ideas.

In Maths we learnt how to use a protractor to measure angles and draw shapes, how to interpret and plot co-ordinates in four quadrants of a grid and how to calculate area, perimeter and volume. We also worked on many reasoning and problem solving tasks and activities relating to these areas. This is helping to deepen our understanding as well as preparing us for our SATs.

Last term, our esteemed music teacher, Mr Murdoch , taught the MASt music students compositions and well known tunes from Jamaica / Trinidad and Tobego to celebrate Curwen's hotly anticipated: International Week. 


They learnt to play the songs - using the correct tempo, notation and following the conductor's pace in the run up to mini-world. Here are their final pieces filmed! We hope you enjoy it!