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Curwen Primary School


Y6 Termly update & photos

March 2023

  • Spring 2

    Published 24/03/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Year 6 Website Update Spring 2

    In Science the children have been learning about microorganisms, including identifying the main types and common examples of each. The children came up with their own questions for an investigation exploring which kind of environment mould thrives in. Here is an extract of one pupils’ writing which demonstrates understanding of how to ensure a fair test. 

    In Geography our learning has been focussed on map skills, including using directional language, identifying and comparing types of maps and using 6-figure grid references. International Week was a fantastic way to share what we had learnt about our countries Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. We used Design and Technology skills to plan, make and evaluate our costumes for carnival, assisted by some very helpful parents who came to our costume making afternoon.

    In Literacy, the children have written narratives from the perspective of a child in World War II. This has enabled them to develop their empathy skills-one of our core skills at Curwen! They have also learned how to describe characters and settings effectively. We also explored a range of non-fiction texts relating to our Geography topic on Caribbean countries, focussing on summarising, fact retrieval, and understanding how layout and features help us to locate information. 


    Year 6 pupils have worked very hard once again this term in Maths. They have learned how to read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants and applied this knowledge to work out the missing point of a shape. We have also covered Statistics and Angles.

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