TTLT Discovery Swim Gala

Curwen attended their second TTLT sports competition of the summer in the form of a Panathlon led swimming challenge at the London Aquatics centre on Tuesday 23rd April.
6 children were selected to take part in the event, having to complete an array of different swimming based challenges to score points for their school. These challenges gave the children the chance to showcase their love for swimming within a safe, friendly and fun environment.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the Treasure Hunt Challenge which involved them gathering different floating and sinking objects and returning back to their teams raft. They also loved racing against other children in the Ferry Travel Challenge using a float to travel from one side of the pool to the other as quick as possible.
A big thank you to the aqua leaders and volunteers from Panathlon who helped support our children within the water and made the event an enjoyable experience. We look forward to the next one!