Summer 1

The Summer term in Reception was all about Growth and it started with our favourite little visitors so far: the ducklings! The children went to see the eggs while they were still in the incubators and then they got to meet the little ducklings a week later, as they watched them take their first swim in the little pool. We then moved on to looking into plant growth and the children had a go at planting and taking care of different things such as sunflowers and beans. We then explored how and where food grows learning about the distinction between root vegetables and stem vegetables. Our topic ended with us looking at how humans grow and the children thought about how they changed from babies to toddlers to children and all the skills they have acquired through time.
This term, in Phonics the children carried on learning their set 2 and 3 sounds to help them with their reading. They consolidated their reading skills and learnt a range of vocabulary linked to our topic, Growth through reading a range of non-fiction books. When writing simple sentences, the children remembered their punctuation: capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
In Maths, we have been learning all about halves. We have halved objects, calculated the answer to maths stories using halves and solved problems containing halves. We have also been measuring objects by weight and enhancing our ability to find one more and one less than any given number. This term we particularly enjoyed deepening our knowledge of shape by making tangrams.