Autumn 1

The children have had a fantastic first term in Reception and have settled in well with their new friends and teachers. Our topic this term is ‘Ourselves’ and we have been learning about our likes and dislikes. The children have learnt about our school rules, teamwork and our class routines. The children learnt about colour mixing and mixed skin tone to use for their self- portraits. The children have been developing their communication skills by talking about what they liked about themselves and why they are special.
This term we had fun developing our literacy skills by mark making in the class using different media but also in our outside area, using big movements and equipment. We also worked on recognising and writing our names using lowercase letters. We have started to explore some phonics sounds by playing games during our sessions and we have started to practise our handwriting. We had fun reading different books about ourselves and our families that taught us to respect everyone and celebrate our uniqueness.
In maths the children have been singing number nursery rhymes and learning to count objects. This term, each week we have focused on one number. We have learnt to recognise the number, count the amount and do the correct amount of action to match the number. During our maths, we have been building resilience when learning to count and compare amounts using a range of resources to support our learning.