Spring 1

This term our topic is ‘My stories’ and we have had an opportunity to share a range of stories and poems. In particular, we enjoyed some stories by the author Julia Donaldson and developed our communication and language skills through reciting a poem for our poetry week. During our topic, we have discussed the structure of a story, developed our sequencing skills and developed our listening skills. We have also had the chance to use our imagination and be creative, we worked as a team to make our own settings based on the story ‘ The Smeds and the Smoos ’ and planned and created our own fantastic planets!
In maths, we have been learning to add and discussing how the amount gets bigger. We have learnt to add with cups but also with real life objects such as magic beans to tie in with our story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ We used a range of vocabulary such as add, equals, more and count. When acting out our maths stories we used some special vocabulary for example, “get ready to get some more” and “look at the maths table and count.” Teamwork has been key to acting out our math stories as we have been working with our partner during Maths, we were able to wait for our turn, read and then act out the maths stories with a partner. When we found it a little tricky, we demonstrated resilience and helped our partner.
This term we have listened to a range of stories and developed our listening skills, we have been able to answer who, what and where questions based on a range of stories. Some of the stories we have read as a year group have been ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,’ ‘The Three Little Pigs,’ and a range of Julia Donaldson stories. Julia Donaldson has been the significant person who we have closely looked at this term and we have learnt about who she is as an author and her inspiration to write. We have developed our own mark making skills and drawn pictures when sequencing the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and using our initial sounds to write.