Spring 1

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design
We have had so much fun this term in Reception. In our new topic, ‘My stories,’ we have been learning about authors and illustrators and how stories are structured. We used the story boxes we made at home with our family to introduce the topic and present our favourite stories to our friends and teachers. We used our communication and language skills to talk about what parts of the stories we liked and who our favourite characters were. Furthermore, we had a special visit from people from Stratford Discovery Centre, and we really enjoyed listening to their stories. We also used Now Press Play to listen to the Three Little Pig story and act it out in our classes, pretending to be all the different characters.
This term, we have been busy using various reading skills to explore our new topic, 'My Stories.' We created story boxes and used them to talk about our favourite stories. In phonics, we have been practising our set 1 and set 2 sounds and are now reading CVC words independently. We have been using our phonics sounds to label our pictures and attempting to write simple sentences. In reading time, we have been learning about poems and rhyming words. We used Julia Donaldson's books to learn about rhyming words and even learnt to recite the Gruffalo poem/song.
This term we have been busy using our different Curwen Core Skills, particularly our communication and resilience skills to help us with our maths! We have been practising how to add using cups and learning the actions to assist us with adding. We say “get ready to get some more” when we add. We have also been learning how to subtract using our cups, learning the actions and we learnt the phrase “get ready to take away”, when we work out our subtraction maths story. We are also learning how to subitise amounts, by looking at an amount and identifying them without having to count! This is a skill we are getting good at with plenty of practise. We are also learning how to use ordinal language and we related this to the Lunar New Year, and discussed the Legend of the Chinese Zodiac.
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