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Curwen Primary School


Spring 1 Update

This term our topic is 'People in our Community' we have had many visitors come to talk to us about their jobs. At the beginning of the term, we had Sandra come and talk to us about all the jobs she does in the office and the children were able to ask her some questions.

We also went to visit Hamish the Park Keeper at West Ham Park, he shared some information about how he takes care of the park and explained how he uses lots of different tools to maintain the park.

We collected lots of leaves and when we came back to school, we created some artwork for our exhibition.

We also had Suki who is a Paramedic come and talk to us about her job and some of us got the chance to use some of the equipment she needs for her job.

The firefighters came to share some important information on how to stay safe and the importance of every household having a fire alarm. We got the chance to sit on the fire truck and asked the firefighters some important questions about their job.