Summer 2 Update

This Summer term our topic has been ‘Growth’ and ‘Journeys’ we have been exploring many things about growing. We explored animals and their young, human growth and how plants grow. We also took a trip to Marsh farm and had a look at lots of different farm animals and their habitats. We had the chance to stroke and feed lots of animals, we had a fantastic time!
When in class, we had the opportunity to plant some seeds and watched how they grew over time. We learnt that about the features of a flower and all the things that plants need to grow. We also wrote some instructions of how to plant a seed for our teachers.
At the end of the term , we invited our parents/carers in to share all the different things we had been learning about growth. We were all so proud to share the information!
We took a journey to Colchester Zoo and used our map skills to walk around the zoo and look for a range of animals. We got to see a range of animals.
This term we had Geography day and had the opportunity to use our map skills to go on a treasure hunt around the school. We also got the chance to visit the new Year 1 classes and talk about the similarities and differences between the Reception classes and Year 1.