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Curwen Primary School


Spring 1 Update

This term our topic is ‘My stories’ and we have had the opportunity to develop our communication and language skills through listening, acting and retelling stories.                                                       Reception were extremely excited to visit Plaistow library where we listened to an interactive story telling session on the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ We developed our Expressive, Art and Design skills through creating a tiger mask and working as a team.

In Literacy, we talked about the characters, settings, beginning, middle and the end of stories. We showed resilience and worked as a team to create our own settings based on the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ We used a wide range of materials to create our settings and were able to share them at our class assembly to our parents.  

In Maths, the children have been reading, acting and writing subtraction maths stories. We have worked as a team to move the cups and use the vocabulary to act out our maths stories.