Spring 2
Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design
Our topic this term is ‘Our World’, and we have been learning about where we live and different cultures. First, we looked at space, and the solar system, then focused on Earth. We had a go at using Google Maps to look at planets. Next, the children visited the Olympic Park and looked at a building designed by Zaha Hadid, our significant person. Finally, we experienced International Week, where we represented Bangladesh, and a mini world experience, where we visited another class. We had fun learning a dance routine with some traditional moves from Bangladesh and even got the chance to perform for our dance parents.
This term, we have been learning many mathematical skills and words that we can use daily. For example, we have learnt about capacity , the difference between full and empty , and how to explain how much a container has in it. This term, for our number of the week we started exploring 2 digit numbers (10-20). We have been focussing on solving mixed maths stories using our fingers, different objects and the pupils tables. We also learnt how to use 3D shapes to make models by talking about the properties of shapes and using their names, just like our significant person Zaha Hadid does when she designs buildings. We had lots of fun thinking about what 3D shapes we can see in the environment
For literacy we have been super busy! With International Week this term, we have been learning all about the country Bangladesh using non-fiction books to draw out facts that we can share with others. Some of us used our phonics sounds to write about what we have learnt about Bangladesh, for example in a form of a fact-file. We also got busy creating our story jars for World Book Day where we were able to present our jars to the rest of the class and adults. Some of us created the different characters from the story and included objects which linked to the theme and setting of the story.