Autumn 1

In Topic we have been learning about The Local Area. We learnt about Human and Physical features and took a trip around the local area to look for human and physical features. We also learnt to use directional language and used a mapping programme on the Ipad to help us remember the key directions. We also gave our partners instructions using directional language to help them get from one place to another. This activity required a lot of resilience and teamwork!
In Literacy we have been writing non-chronological reports. We learnt about the features of a non-chronological report and what their purpose is. To prepare our report we looked at the different parts of the school and wrote about what Curwen Primary School has to offer. We also learnt about capital letters, full stops, plurals and conjunctions to make our writing interesting.
In maths we have been learning about addition, subtraction and patterns. We learn by using concrete and physical objects before we move on to pictorial and abstract learning. We also discussed the importance of using these skills in real life.