Autumn 2

In Maths, we have been learning how to partition two digit numbers; we started by practically using cups and then moved on to using dienes to carry out fair swaps with numbers. We showed resilience and remembered that 10 cups has the same value as 1 ty or ten. We discussed how a range of real life objects such as blocks, pasta or pencils have the same value, different appearance. We used a range of numbers from 10-100. During our starter activities, we have enjoyed counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
This term in Literacy we have been focusing on comparing- settings and characters, adjectives and capital letters and full stops. We looked at the Rama and Sita story in RE. Then in Literacy we compared the characters and settings. We then used this skill to look at the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children produced some fantastic independent writing focusing on capital letters, full stops and adjectives.
For World of Work Week, year 1 got to visit Plaistow Fire Station. The fire fighters showed us how they use the pole to change floors quickly, we got to use the hose and they took us through their equipment. We also got to see and hear a fire engine up close. The firefighter told us about all the different skill we need to develop to be a firefighter.