Autumn 2

What an amazing Autumn Term we have had!!
In maths we have been partitioning numbers and learning our number bonds to 10 and 20. Not only did we have to learn them we also had to prove it by using real objects! We have also been learning about shapes and the value of money.
In History we have been learning about Kings and queens in History. To find out more we went to visit the Tower of London. We met Sir Duncan who was a knight and he told us about Knights, Kings and Castles. We acted out how soldiers trained and how Knights served their Kings and Queens. We also saw the crown jewels and saw similar armour worn by King Henry the VIII and his soldiers! We climbed the white tower where prisoners were kept and looked at how the Tower was used as a zoo in the past. It was an amazing day!!
In Art we explored different media to create lines and shapes. We discussed the different textures and marks the tools made. Some were difficult to use and some were very easy!
We were able to talk about our favourite media and explain why we prefer to use them in our drawings. We also looked at the fantastic work of Andy Goldsworthy and tried to recreate some of his work.
In Science we learnt about plants and trees. We explored the school grounds for deciduous trees and evergreen trees. We also learnt about the different parts of a plant and their functions.