Spring 2 Update

This term has been absolutely amazing and jam packed!! In topic we have been learning about travelling around the world and we looked at countries in the UK and hot and cold countries around the globe. We learnt mapping skills using Atlases and researched using the Internet. We ended the week with our fabulous International Week!
Cable Cars
This term we rode on the cable cars and we went up high in the sky! When we were over the Thames, we saw lots of interesting things like the O2, the River Thames and trains on the ground.
In maths we have been learning about measuring. We have been measuring length, mass and volume/ capacity. We also have been learning about money and the value of money.
Big Outcome
Our big outcome this term was an Art Gallery where we were able to display all the different styles of self-portraits that we made during our art lessons. We created some portraits using symbols of our favourite things and we even made sculptures of our faces with salt dough. We even got a chance to be art critics and write good comments about other children’s art work.