Summer 2 Update

This term in maths we have been exploring different measures. We looked at length and measured, compared and recorded the length of different objects around the classroom and drew lines by using a ruler accurately. We also explored mass and used scales to balance, compare, weigh and record various objects. We looked at time, made clocks and used them to learn about half past, quarter past and quarter to and solved time word problems. Finally we looked at capacity and we compared, measured and recorded volume of different containers. We used different non-standard units such as pasta and cubes to estimate and compare capacity
In Literacy, we looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly and did some writing based on the Hungry Caterpillar. We received a special package of caterpillars at the start of the term and we watched the caterpillars eat and eat and eat until they quadrupled in size! We saw them change into chrysalis and then into butterflies. We did some roleplay, drew and labelled the different parts of the lifecycle in our books and answered comprehension questions with our partners. Finally we had to say goodbye to the butterflies at the end.
Our topic this term was ‘Toys in the Past and we visited the Bethnal Green Toy Museum . We saw lots of interesting toys such as dolls, doll houses, rocking horses and puppets. Some of the old toys were made out of wood, cloth and metal, which are different from our toys at home that are made out of plastic. We played on the rocking horse and the sand pit and experienced how it was to play with toys from the past.