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Curwen Primary School


Summer 1


In Maths, we have been looking at Shapes. We looked at the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes; we even found shapes around the classroom. We had fun looking at the 3D shapes and counting the amount of vertices and faces they had. We used our knowledge of 3D shapes to sort them into different categories and learnt that some shapes can fit into more than one category.


In Literacy this term, we read a book called ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan Oke. The book was about a toy bus that gets up to mischief around the house. We role-played the story using our own toy cars, some of them even went into a bowl of backed beans! We then wrote a sequel called ‘Naughty Night Bus’ and told the story of Naughty Bus going on a night adventure.


This half-term, Year 2 have been doing some coding using Scratch Junior. We learnt how to make our characters move by giving them some instructions using blocks. Some of us were even able to add some speech bubbles or record our voices in our program.