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Curwen Primary School


Spring 2


Our Geography topic has been ‘Comparing Accra and London’ (these are the capital cities of Ghana and England). We learnt to locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans on a world map and globe. We have explored Ghanaian culture by participating in an African drumming workshop. We learnt about the traditional cloth of Ghana- Kente cloth and used this as inspiration for our own printed designs to create our carnival costumes.



In Maths we have been learning about units of measure for capacity, mass and length. We practised reading scales with different increments. We have also been learning about directions and rotation and have applied this knowledge throughout International Week, navigating objects around maps.


In Literacy we wrote an explanation text about owls, after watching an owl demonstration and listening to the facts about their appearance, food and habitat. We applied our grammar skills (using commas, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases) within our sentences. We used organisational features such as subheadings and paragraphs within our reports.