Summer 1

This term we had a visit from the ducklings, this tied in well with our topic ‘Animals including humans.’ We discussed the different lifecycles and what animals and humans need to survive. We used our communication and teamwork skills to observe and discuss what both humans and animals need. We also held our fantastic art gallery where we showcased our art from British artists.
In maths we have been revisiting our concepts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been working as a team to ensure we are able to show resilience and use the most appropriate method. We have also learnt about time, carefully using o’clock, half past and quarter to and quarter past. We spoke about how many minutes in an hour and looked at some reasoning questions.
In Literacy, we have demonstrated resilience and looked at a range of complex texts to read and answer ‘find it’ and inference questions. We have looked at a range of reading skills such as retrieval, sequencing and inference to support our understanding of texts. We also looked at the story ‘The Boy who cried Wolf’ and worked as a team to act out the story.