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Curwen Primary School


Breakfast and 6 o'clock club in September

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you very much to those of you that responded to our survey regarding wraparound care. We realise that many of you rely on breakfast club and after school club in order to be able to work, and we have thought long and hard about how we can continue to offer this service whilst following government guidance. We are happy to let you know that breakfast club and 6 o’clock club will both run from Wednesday 9th September 2020 for Years 1-6. We will let you know when this will be open to Reception as they settle in. We will be offering this care in ‘phase bubbles’ to limit numbers, with staff assigned to the four different ‘bubbles’ each day. Unfortunately this means that we can only offer cold breakfast (cereal, fruit) and a cold snack at 6 o’clock club (sandwiches/wraps and fruit). In light of this, we are postponing the price increase which we had been considering. Please note that as of September we will only be able to accept payment online via School Money. No cash will be taken. Please contact the office if you need support with this. Due to the increased rota and staffing considerations with bubbles, 6 o’clock club MUST be booked by midday on Monday 7th September for the first week back, and by midday Fridays from then on.

With kind regards.