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Curwen Primary School


Young Writers Competition

Back in October lots of our children entered the Young Writers Competition

This involved writing a fabulous fiction story squashed into just 100 words! Thousands of entries were received from schools across East London and judged. Only the very best were selected to be published in a book called ‘Once Upon a Time’. A copy of the book is available to borrow from the school library if you would like to read them. We would like to say a HUGE well done to our talented writers at Curwen who were successful in taking on this challenge and for getting their stories published. Those children were: 

Helejna 1B, Yusuf 1C, Tara 5S, Ahmed 1C, Delphin 5W, Humayra 5S, Ziyad 5W, Saema 5S, Salim 5S, Mayhara 5S, Hillary 3M, Isabah 6L, Tasnia 3DLR, Hafsa 3M, Bailey 3M, Tanjim 4H, Natalie 4H, Casey 2SA, Ariq 3DLR, Riyasat 4C, Margaret 4R, Sumaya 4H, Lili 3DLR, Luila 3DLR, Rayan 3A,  Aaryan 1C, Jenisha 5W, Lathusana 5S, Mitchell 5S, Tahiya 5W, Jumma 5W, Majada 5W, Deron 5W, Saeed 5W, Aisha 3B, Iretomiwa 4R, Nilsa 3A, Baylie 3M, Hubertas 4C, Sarah C 1H, Madusu 1H, Hollie 1H, Dennis 1H, Naysa 3B, Aaliyah 3B, Mohammed 3A, Rashan 4H,  Alieyah 5W, Ibrahim 2T, Ihsan 2T, Safi 2SA, Caprice 2SA, Damien 2G, Isaac 2T, Chloe 3B, Daisy 2G, Kaius 2SA, Lucas 5W, Misha 3A and Shanae 3DLR.