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Curwen Primary School


Children's University Graduation

A HUGE congratulations to Ayla (4S), Britz (4M), Michelle (2W), Rohan (2K), Aira (4S), Agboola (4M), Ola (3B), Ivy (5B), Janice (1M), Anthony (5SA), Adrian (3H) and Sudad (3H) who graduated from the Children's University.

The children collected awards, certificates and diplomas for reaching milestones for the number of hours spent learning outside of school with their families – a real TEAM effort!

We had a great evening as we joined with a number of other schools in our local area to celebrate their achievements. It was fantastic to see so many Curwen families coming to support their children.

Keep a look out for the latest E-Zine leaflet that will detail further festive activities to complete to achieve more stamps.