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Curwen Primary School


PE MASt trip to UEL

On the 11th October, our year 5 and 6 MASt PE children at Curwen visited UEL Sports Dock.  They had the opportunity to meet Olympian athlete Christine Ohuruogu and to take part in a variety of sport activities.  The children were truly inspired and engaged in what Christine had to say about her personal experience within the world of athletics. The children enjoyed viewing her medals, holding the 2012 olympic torch and getting to ask her questions about her life. The children thoroughly benefited from the sports activities that were put on throughout the day, which included: basketball, cricket, skipping and volleyball. At the end of the day the children got to watch the UEL Basketball team in action. The children got to cheer them on and were very impressed with how they worked well as a team. The key message that Christine wanted to leave the children with was "TO NEVER GIVE UP!", which is one of our core skills that we promote at Curwen.