TTLT Orienteering Competition

Curwen competed at their first TTLT competition of 2024 on Friday 2nd February as they travelled to the Olympic Park for an Orienteering competition.
There were 10 schools and over 260 children competing at the competition. A group of year 5 children were selected to represent Curwen, with the challenge being to find as many check points as possible within the shortest amount of time. The children embraced this challenge and rapidly covered the Olympic Park from the Copper box all the way to the Velodrome. Curwen managed to find all the checkpoints and also had a lot of fun in doing so.
Well done to these children who represented the school amazingly: Aya (5C), Antonia (5C), Levana (5C), Leah (5CB), Adam (5CB), Aysha (5CB), Melvyn (5CB), Zaviyar (5CB), Aiyanna (5CB), Zi (5PB), Isa (5PB), Nafis (5PB), Huryra (5PB) Mirajul (5PB), Gerrard (5PB), Eli (5T), Erik (5T), Eshal (5T), Asahi (5T), Amelia (5T), Thiago (5T).