TTLT Swimming Gala
Curwen travelled to East Ham Leisure Centre to compete at the TTLT Swimming Gala on Monday 24th June.
There were 5 schools participating in the event with each school selecting a mixed team of children to swim against one another in a variety of races. The first race was the Boys 25m final where Curwen narrowly finished second in the heat to secure a silver medal. This success was followed up by another silver medal in the Boys 4 x 25m relay. However, it was the final two races where Curwen really saved the best for last finishing first in both the Girls 4 x 25m relay and Mixed 4 x 25m relay to ensure Curwen’s name was cemented as the champion of the TTLT Swimming Gala for the third consecutive year running.
Well done to these children who represented the school amazingly: Kaci-Ann (6C), Laila (6C), Dara (6A), Jackson (6A), Andrei (6K), Oskar (6K), Raed (6R), Jaynie (5T), Kerene (5T) and Benjamin (4M).
Special mention to Kaci-Ann (6C) who has now been involved in all three triumphs and again showed her individual excellence in the water with fantastic performances in both the Girls and Mixed relay.