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Curwen Primary School


Place2Talk Poster Competition

One of the most popular aspects of Place2Be’s support in schools is called ‘Place2Talk’. It’s open to all pupils, and they can make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with a trained counsellor, either by themselves or with a friend. Last year, 230 different children were seen and 294 sessions were held!

This term, Place2Be ran a competition for Keys Stage 2 students to design posters that would tell younger children about Place2Talk – our lunchtime drop-in service. Posters could be any medium (e.g. paint, pens, pencil, collage), but had to include the Place2Be logo. Most posters included information about why you might go to Place2Talk, what you like about Place2Talk and how Place2Talk has helped you or someone you know. Four students were selected as prize winners with the opportunity to have their poster design displayed in and around school. The winning entries were announced on Monday 3rd December. 

Congratulations to everyone who took part and to the four prize winners: 

Rabbi (4U), Faith (5R), Muad (5B), Ibrahim  (6A).

Well done!