Curwen celebrates world Book Day

Many thanks to you all for you overwhelming support and enthusiasm for yesterday’s World Book Day. It was fantastic to see such a range of great characters from Where’s Wally, to Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs and The Cat in the Hat! The Newham Recorder covered the event in school and judges decided on the following ‘best dressed characters’ so a huge well done to the following:-
Reception - Shawn RM - Jack and the Beanstalk
Year 1 - Maksim 1K - Willy Wonker
Year 2 - Haleemah 2R - Tiana from Princess and the Frog
Year 3 - Zandro 3A - The Lonely Crocodile
Year 4 - Hafsa 4B - Shakespeare’s Juliet
Year 5 - Afeefah 5W - Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent
Year 6 - Hamraa 6L - from Harry Potter
Staff Winner - Mrs. Fuller - Snow White’s Evil Stepmother
World Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries to promote a love of literature and reading among children and this year more than 14 million £1 book tokens will be handed out to schools so don’t forget to use yours!
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